- How does this online learning program work?
This is a self-discovery program which encourages you to take control of your own learning and to utilize your lifelong learning skills through exploration and PLAY. There will be no face-to-face teaching offered to support this program. Instead, you are encouraged to work through the discovery exercises (either on your own or in collaboration with another participant) and share your discoveries, techniques and "how tos" in a "learning blog". - Who can participate?
This program is for to ALL APSU preservice and inservice teachers enrolled in EDUC 3040/5618. - How long do I have to complete the program?
See your course syllabus for information on when these activities must be completed. - How do I track my progress for each of the 23 Things?
You will create a blog of your own in Thing 1 to use for tracking your progress. You will use your blog to write your reactions to the lessons and add any ideas that you may have on how to use Web 2.0 tools for yourself and/or in your future teaching position. This is your time to experiment, have fun, and learn at your own pace. Links to the blogs of all participants will be listed on the front page of the Learning 2.0 - 23 Things for Teachers blog.
Include the Thing # and title in the heading of each post. It will help you and the Learning 2.0 - 23 Things for Teachers team track your progress. It is helpful when you want to refer back or add something new on a specific topic or tool, too. - How will you know I have completed all the "things"?
You will write about each thing as you complete it (See previous question.) We will be reading your posts and commenting as much as possible. - How much do I have to write in my blog postings?
Each blog post must describe the Thing which you have completed (remember to put that in the post title, too), what your experience was learning about it - easy, hard, impossible - ideas about how you can use this in your future job and personally, and other comments on the process. We don't expect a dissertation on each Thing, but we do expect thoughtful reflection and active participation that is clear in the post (or at least answers to the questions posed in the activity). Single line posts or those that show perfunctory participation will not be counted. You will be notified if you need to add more to a post. - If I'm not enrolled in EDUC 3040/5618, can I still participate?
Yes, by all means, but you won't need to register your blog with the APSU Learning 2.0 team. You might want to track your progress with the 43Things site. Anyway, we welcome other participants to join in the fun and follow along. - Why 23 things instead of having participants do 43 things like the website?
Given the number of things that preservice and inservice educators already have to do and the time frame of the course, the number of "things" was reduced so that our preservice and inservice teachers already burdened with busy schedules wouldn't feel overwhelmed by having too many discovery exercises to complete. - Will there be any instruction offered to show us how to do this?
No, this is a self-directed learning program. If you feel you need assistance with an item, you are encouraged to be resourceful and to find a friend, family member or another participant who can help. Reading other participants' blogs can help, too. The Learning 2.0 team will provide helpful hints, encouraging words and post comments on your blogs from time to time. We are also available by e-mail to answer your questions. - Is there any tech support for this course?
We can help you with the course, but not with your computer or Internet connection. Here are some hints about Web 2.0 tools that may help you. - Do any of the Things require downloads?
Flash is required to view many of the applications. Chances are this is already installed on your computer, but if it is not, click here for a free download. Adobe Reader is required to read a few of the links. If you do not have it, you can get it here for free. Java needs to be enabled for many applications too. Here are instructions on how to enable Java.
A few of the Things have activities that may require a download. However, most of the Things have options that can be done without downloading anything extra. Most of the 23 Things are Web-based applications that do not require additional downloads or plug-ins to work. Many Web-based applications have third party features that require downloads. These are not required—although they are often fun and add functionality. - What if I need help - who can I do?
Since this program is self-directed and is being completed by many APSU preservice and inservice teachers enrolled in EDUC 3040/5618 simultaneously, you are encouraged to work with classmates along your discovery journey. - I don't feel comfortable with my colleagues reading my blog, can I participate anonymously?
Yes and No. Since you control all the information that you share on your blog, you can choose to use a screen name to identify yourself to keep yourself anonymous if that makes it easier/more comfortable for you. However, in order to receive the credit for this portion of your grade in EDUC 3040/5618, you will need to let the Learning 2.0 team know the name of your blog via a valid e-mail address. A link to your blog will be posted here, but your "real identity" will not be listed. - Once I complete all 23 things, how do I get my grade?
Your instructor will complete a rubric after you complete your 23 things. Your grade for this activity will be averaged in with your other assignment evalutions, resulting in your final grade.
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